Good Afternoon,
I wanted to start by saying how proud we are of the way the children have settled straight back in to the school routine since our return last week. The new Reception class appear to be enjoying their time in school and are already building new friendships and learning the new school routines.
We would like to inform you of some upcoming dates:
Monday 19th September: School Closed, Bank Holiday,
Tuesday 20th September: Year 4 Swimming Starts
Thursday 13th October: Harvest Festival
All pupils are invited to bring in some dried/tinned produce. As a school, we deliver these to St Mary’s Church on the morning of the 13th to add to the community collection.
The children will then go back to the church in the afternoon for a Harvest Festival Service led by the Year 6 children. Year 6 parents will be invited to this at 2pm.
Thursday 13th October: Individual Photographs
Tempest photography will be visiting the school on the morning of the 13th October. The children will have an individual photograph and one with any siblings in school. You will then get a copy of the proofs for you to order in time for Christmas if you wish to.
Thursday 20th October: Parent’s Evening
Friday 21st October: School Closed, Training Day
Half term
Tuesday 1st November: School Reopens
Thank you for your support in getting the children ready with all of the correct uniform and indoor shoes. I am aware that some of you are still waiting for orders of indoor shoes.
We have seen that a few of the children have had their ears pierced over the holidays. Our policy on earrings is that the children wear small studs in school and that they are removed by the children for PE. If they can not remove their own earrings, we ask that they bring in some micro-porous tape to cover them up with.
Year 5 and 6 parents; we will soon be sending out a form for you to provide consent for your child to walk home alone. Like you, we want the children to gain greater independence, but we know that every family situation is different and having your consent will give us that increased confidence at the end of the day (and will save that extra telephone call).
The children have voted for the representatives for their school council, who were announced in this morning’s assembly. We hope that they will communicate their activities with you over the course of the year. Although, the request for an extension for an art room in one of the speeches may take some fund raising! We look forward to working with them. A huge well done to all of the candidates whose speeches were well thought through and considerate of the whole school.
A great start to what we hope will be a fantastic year ahead.
Kindest Regards
Caroline Ainley
Head Teacher