Dear Families,
The children have made a great start back after the half term break. With another busy term coming up, I write to you with some information and dates to help you plan.
Strike Action: Tuesday 28th March
The teaching union NEU has planned strike action for this area on the 28th February and on the 15th and 16th March unless an agreement is reached. As teachers are under no obligation to inform a leader of their intention to strike, it is difficult to plan for the disruption this may cause. However, my current risk assessments would suggest we will not need to close any classes on Tuesday. The strikes have meant that the Arete activities planned for these days have been cancelled and you should have received a notification to let you know about this if this affects your child. We will keep you updated of any changes.
World Book Day: Thursday 2nd March
On Thursday 2nd March we will be celebrating World Book Day. Your child will receive a £1 book token. Here is a reminder of the events that we’re holding in school, remember to look out for photos of the day on our Twitter feed.
Pre-loved book sale (Tuesday 28 February – Thursday 2 March)
The School Council will be holding a pre-loved book sale in the school hall from 3.15pm – 4pm. Books will be priced between 10p – £2. Come and bag yourself a bargain!
Bookworm Snapshots Competition
Take a photo of your child reading in an interesting place and send it to [email protected]. We will be sharing these in our special World Book Day assembly and choosing a winner.
World Book Day Fancy Dress
Come to school dressed as your favourite character! We can’t wait to see you all.
Scholastic Book Fayre (Tuesday 7 March – Tuesday 14 March)
Children can be collected and taken to the fayre which will be open between 3pm – 4pm during this week to browse the books. There is an online system for payment and a member of staff will be available to help take cash payments. If you are unable to take your child during these times a member of staff will be available to take your child round. Children can use their £1 book token at this event.
Class Photographs: Monday 20th March
Tempest will be coming into school on Monday 20th March to take class photographs of each year group. These are a lovely keepsake for children to remember their class members and information on how to buy a copy will be sent home following that day. If you have any objection to your child being in the class photograph, please make this known by contacting the school office before the event.
Tea time Church/ Breakfast Church
Thank you to all of those who came to our Tea Time Church event last week. It was our first event of this kind since early 2020 and it was lovely to see it well attended. Our next event will be a Breakfast Church on 23rd March. You will be welcome to join us from 8.30am for food and activities with the service between 8.45 and 9.15am. Again, this is for family members to attend with their children who will then go straight back to join their class.
Traffic on Garth Lane
I must once again ask that people take extra caution and show consideration around dropping off and collection times. Here are some of the things we have noticed and must ask families to avoid:
- Excessive speed
- Stopping in the turning circle and dropping children off
- Parking on the zig zag lines during restricted times
- Blocking residents drive ways
- Parking on the pavement
Even if you only do this once or twice when you are short of time, you are contributing to this significant issue. Please allow for time to park a little further away from school.
In response to the some of the feedback from the parent questionnaire sent out before Christmas, we have been making changes to our school website over recent weeks. This is so you can see more of the curriculum that your child is accessing during their time with us. Scrolling to the bottom of the home page, you will find pictures of activities the class and the curriculum area it relates to. Some of these will also appear on our Twitter page.
Thank you again for your overwhelming support. What an incredible school community we have.
Kindest Regards
Caroline Ainley
Head Teacher.