Dear Parents,
It has been brought to my attention again that traffic on Garth Lane (particularly outside school) is becoming a serious safety concern for our children. With increased reports of near-miss accidents, we must insist that parents using vehicles to drop off and collect children from our school take extra caution and show consideration for others navigating their way on Garth Lane. Please use common sense and:-
- Avoid excessive speed. The speed limit is 20mph.
- Do not stop anywhere on the mini roundabout or on the yellow zig-zag lines outside school (see the hatched areas on the map attached). It causes a bottle neck of cars trying to turn and obstructs line of sight, particularly for children who are smaller than adults and cannot see over cars and vans. Please prioritise cars being able to leave Garth Lane wherever possible.
- Do not block residents’ driveways. They have a right to access their properties.
- Do not park on – or mount – pavements, particularly opposite other parked cars. Again, it causes a bottleneck and obstructs pedestrians.
We are not trying to inconvenience anyone, and I wish there was a simple solution to this modern-day problem. However, we really do all need to play a part in keeping children safe and allowing emergency vehicles to access all properties if needed.
The traffic outside school has always been a concern for us, but we have no jurisdiction for enforcement. We have tried to implement initiatives to help prevent near-misses turning into accidents but unfortunately, as yet, have not found a workable solution. Hook Parish Council have requested repainting of the zig-zag lines from the Highways department of the Council, and I have also asked that they look at the timings of the restrictions signs as they do not correspond with our school day very well. Ultimately, however, it is the responsibility of car users to ensure they use the roads appropriately and, although no-one sets out with the intention of causing an accident, the reported near-misses cause us a lot of concern.
We would welcome suggestions from parents how this problem can be addressed, and in the new academic year plan on organising an action group. We hope that we can all work together to keep all our children safe on their journeys to and from school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs C M Ainley