Class 4 have had an incredibly busy start to the new school year!
5th Sept – In Maths – we used base 10 to make four-digit numbers at the start of our topic on place value.
15th Sept – In R.E. – we used OS maps to look for evidence of places of worship in our local area, by finding map symbols.
20th Sept – In P.E. – the children designed and test out their own obstacle courses
21st Sept – In Science – We experimented to investigate the time in takes for two different sized pieces of chocolate to melt in hot water.
27th Sept – In P.E. – we did map reading, by groups of children finding points marked on a map of the school grounds to discover a hidden code.
10th Oct – In Science – the children created a ‘water cycle in a bag’ by drawing the water cycle onto a zip lock bag, filling with water and placing on different windows around the school.
11th Oct – In Art & Design – Children practised watercolour painting techniques in their sketchbooks.