Tel: 01405 762576
Admissions Information
Tel: 01405 762576
Admissions Information
Edukos Trust’s Admissions Policy
Our Admissions Policy is one which applies to all schools within Edukos Trust. The Board of Trustee determined the admission arrangements for the 2023-24 school year. At at a meeting of the trust board formally approved the document and approved the admission number of 30 pupils.
Admissions Arrangements for Academic Year 2024-2025
Admissions Arrangements for Academic Year 2023 – 2024
Admissions Arrangements for AcademicYear 2022 – 2023
Admissions Procedure & How to Apply for a Place at Hook
There are two different types of admissions:
- those to start school at the ‘normal’ time for the start of the Reception year; and
- those for places in other year groups or at any other time – these are called ‘in-year’ applications for school places.
In-year applications are made for example when a child is already attending one school and the parent/carers wish to move their child from one school to another and when a family moves to a different area and needs a new school place for their child(ren).
Whilst the admission authority for our schools is Edukos Trust, admissions applications are co-ordinated by the Local Authority, East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
How do I appy for a ‘normal’ school place for my child?
Applications to start our schools for the first time, for the start of Reception should be made direct to the Local Authority in which you live by the deadline for applications. Late applications will be considered after those submitted by the deadline, often when there are no places available, so it is important that you apply on-time. If you live in East Riding of Yorkshire Council area, then you can find more information about ‘normal’ admissions processes, deadlines, details of the appeal process and other information at
If you live outside the East Riding, you should apply to your ‘home’ Local Authority and not East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
There is no supplementary form when applying for a place at our schools.
How do I apply for an ‘in year’ school place for my child?
Although our schools are academies, the admissions authority for the individual schools, is Edukos Trust. We have formally requested that applications for school places are made through the local authority’s co-ordinated admissions scheme for in-year applications. Applications to start our school in-year should be made direct to the Local Authority no earlier than one term before the place is required, and it is recommended that you apply no later than a period of twenty school days, that is four weeks in term time, before you wish for the place to be available for your child. Applications are considered in the order that they have been received, for example if there is one space available in a year group, the parent/carer who applied for their place first will likely be allocated the place for their child. Proof of residence may be required before places can be allocated, and the school fully adheres to the East Riding Fair Access Protocol. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application as soon as is possible, though this is commonly ten school days after an application has been received but may be later in certain circumstances.
If you live in East Riding of Yorkshire Council area, then you can find more information about ‘in-year’ admissions processes and details of the co-ordinated admissions scheme at where you can also find and download an application form along with details of how to appeal for a school place where you have been refused. If you live outside the East Riding, you should apply to your ‘home’ Local Authority and not East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
There is no supplementary form when applying for a place at our schools.
Who makes decisions of school admissions applications?
As our schools are academies, the admissions authority for the individual schools is Edukos Trust. It is the admission authority and not the Local Authority who determines whether there is an available place based upon the capacity of the class/year group and the number of pupils already on roll.
Who should I contact with queries about school admissions?
You can contact the East Riding School Admissions Team by email at, by writing to School Admissions Team, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.
You can also call 01482 392100 in school hours.
How can I object to these arrangements?
If you wish to object to these determined admission arrangements, you should do so to the Schools Adjudicator by 15 May 2023.
Information about how to lodge an objection is available here at or you can contact the Office of the Schools Adjudicator by email at
Appeals Process
To find details of how to appeal an decision on a school place, click this link (external link leading to East Riding of Yorkshire Council Admissions)
Admissions Numbers
The published admissions number from Reception through to Year 6:-
Reception Class = 30
Class/Year 1 = 30
Class/Year 2 = 30
Class/Year 3 = 30
Class/Year 4 = 30
Class/Year 5 = 30
Class/Year 6 = 30
Total = 210 pupils
It is a legal requirement that Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) must not exceed 30; and only in exceptional cases would a Key Stage 2 class exceed the published admission number.
Pre-Application Visit
If you would like to visit our school before applying for a place, please contact us.
Please click here for a copy of our prospectus.