School Leavers Hoodies


Dear Parents,

We will be ordering leavers’ hoodies from Clothes for Little People/The Uniform Shop this year. The embroidered school logo will be on the front, and a class list of first names on the back inside the number 23.
A list of sizes with prices can be found at the above link. Please could you send your requiements to us on this form. Payment to be made through Parentpay. Orders will be submitted to Clothes for Little People/The Unform Shop on Friday 24th March, so please complete before then.
If you would like to check out the sizes before ordering, please feel free to call in to the shop on Pasture Road and they’d be more than happy to let you see the hoodie size options and try on samples.
If you have any queries about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Kind regards
School Admin Team